Lexington Partners to Present Plans to GLPT Board of Directors.
GLPT TO RECEIVE PLAN FOR OLD COURTHOUSE by John McKenna | Dec 9, 2020 Litchfield.bz If all goes according plan, the doors of the former Litchfield County courthouse will be welcoming guests of a boutique hotel in the future. BZ photos Two years after Litchfield voters rejected the idea of the former Litchfield County courthouse being transformed into […]
2020 Annual Meeting
As a result of the pandemic, our annual members meeting will be held virtually via Zoom at 5 pm on Monday December 7th. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86562808993?pwd=VEdOdWxscmdLeXRqN1VadGU4RW4ydz09 Meeting ID: 865 6280 8993 Passcode: 585865 One tap mobile +16465588656,,86562808993#,,,,,,0#,,585865# US (New York) +13017158592,,86562808993#,,,,,,0#,,585865# US (Washington D.C) Dial by your location +1 646 558 8656 US (New […]
Courthouse Repurposing Information
All reports and information concerning the repurposing of the courthouse have been moved. Please click on the tab “courthouse” at the top of the home page.
Books still available: “Litchfield, Connecticut, Celebrating 300 Years, 1719-2019.”
The Greater Litchfield Preservation Trust contributed to Litchfield’s 300th anniversary by publishing a companion booklet for the September 7th Revolutionary War Living History Event. The book features essays by local historians that tell of actual events by real people during the American Revolution. Books are available for a donation of $10 each — shipping included. […]
2019 Preservation Award for Litchfield Jail Renovation
Annual Meeting Postponed to December 9.
Due to the storm, our annual meeting will take place on December 9, 5:00 pm at the Litchfield Historical Society.
2019 Annual Meeting
The Greater Litchfield Preservation Trust, Inc. Annual Meeting will be held at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, December 2 at the Litchfield Historical Society, 7 South Street, Litchfield. Light refreshments will be served.
Happy 300th Anniversary Litchfield
The Greater Litchfield Preservation Trust, Inc. was happy to support the Revolutionary War Living History Day on the Litchfield Green this September 7th. This important event was part of Litchfield’s 300th celebration.
Exteriors Repairs to Post Office.
We make every effort to keep our building in good condition.
Happy 300th Anniversary Litchfield
Litchfield 300th Anniversary banner hung on courthouse.