Trust Welcomes Two New Trustees
The Board of Directors of The Greater Litchfield Preservation Trust, Inc. are proud to announce the addition of two new Trustees: Mr. Richard Quay and Mr. Jeffrey Zullo. These two gentlemen have exhibited a profound sense of respect for Litchfield’s architectural heritage as well as the history and the future of our town.
Thank you Litchfield
The Board of Directors of the Greater Litchfield Preservation Trust, Inc. thanks the 830 people who visited the courthouse and made positive comments about its re-use as our town hall, the many folks who wrote letters in support of the Courthouse, the 148 who signed petitions requesting a referendum, and the 847 citizens who voted […]
2018 Preservation Awards
The Greater Litchfield Preservation Trust presented two Preservation Awards for 2018 during its annual meeting at the Litchfield Historical Society on Dec. 3. Jim Katzin received an award for overhauling the 1930 Seth Thomas 30-day clock in the first floor of the former Litchfield County courthouse, which is owned by the GLPT. The award was also […]
Anonymous Group Attempts to Sway Voters
Application for Absentee Ballots Available at Town Clerk’s Office
The referendum voting is Wednesday, December 19 from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. Please vote “yes” on question #1 to accept the courthouse as your new town hall. Applications for Absentee Ballots are available at the Town Clerk’s office from now until Tuesday, December 18th. If you are out of town now, email your signed […]